• AmericanPreppingAcademy@Protonmail.Com
  • United States of America

7 Point Prepper SITREP

The 7 Point Prepper SITREP is a simple format derived from the US Military S.A.L.U.T.E. report. Generally the purpose of a SITREP is a simple and concise format for an audible report over a radio that a mobile team can convey back to the home base. This is done to keep the home base appraised of the overall status of […]

How To Find Prepper Group Members

This lesson provides multiple ideas for activities that you can engage in that will help you become more prepared and find people who are also likely good candidates to be recruited into your prepper group. https://youtu.be/NcVqBmd2fUA You can download this lesson by clicking here: https://www.americanpreppingacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/How-To-Find-Members-For-A-Prepper-Group-Printer-Friendly.pdf

How To Build An Intelligence Network

This lesson covers that basics of building an intelligence network that will feed you information that could be valuable during an catastrophic SHTF situation. Having a network of information from various sources is important so that you can confirm what is real and what is nonsense. Having the ability to gather information from various sources also increases your overall situational […]

SHTF Intelligence Cycles

This lesson covers various types of intelligence cycles. The reason it is important to understand these cycles is so that you can effectively establish a functional intelligence gathering system for you or your group. Having the ability to gather intelligence effectively is a primary factor in being able to detect threats early so that you can adequately prepare to defend […]

Home Fire Safety

This lesson covers the basics of home fire safety and multiple things you can do to be more prepared to prevent and fight fire should one occur in your home. You can follow along or download the slides by saving each picture and then printing them individually.  Download the Home Fire Safety Emergency Checklist here: https://www.americanpreppingacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/House-Fire-Checklist.pdf

Bug Out Bags

This lesson covers the basics of what should be in a Bug Out bag as well as the purpose of them and why everyone should have one even if you only plan on bugging in! You can download the individual slides below by saving each picture and then printing them individually.  The full file size is too large to download […]

Food Supply List For Family of Four For One year

This list provide an example list of foods that can be purchased at local grocery stores or online. This list also focuses on food that ha You can download the list in multiple file formats below. Feel free to customize to meet your families dietary needs and caloric intake requirements.  Numbers Spreadsheet: https://www.americanpreppingacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Food-Supply-List-101.numbers Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet: https://www.americanpreppingacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Food-Supply-List-101.xlsx .PDF Spreadsheet: https://www.americanpreppingacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Food-Supply-List-101.pdf .CSV File: https://www.americanpreppingacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Food-Supply-List-101.csv

Prepper Radio Communications 101

This lessons covers the basics of Prepper Radio Communications. This give a basic overview of how radios function as well as the Prepper View the individual slides below.  To print them out you would need to save each pic individually and then print them. The whole .pdf file is too large to add as one big download. 

Family Comm Plan 101

This lesson discusses some of the basic ways to pre-plan ways to be able to get in touch with family members should there be an emergency that happens and you get separated. Feel free to download the slides for this lesson. Click Here For Download

Home Security 101

This lesson goes through the basics of home security and multiple different ways that you can make your home more secure. The slides below are provided for you to follow along or print out to keep. To print you would need to save each page individually and then print each slide.